Friday, 30 March 2012

5 Great Registry Hacks

Today I am going to tell you about 5 great registry hacks which will help you improve your system features and performance.

registry hacks
1. Security:
USB Drives are one of the major tool through which data transfer takes place. In order to protect your data from getting stolen from you computer with the help of a USB drive you can make the USB drives read only.
Go to  ‘HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies‘ and   create a new DWORD value ‘WriteProtect‘ and set its value to 1. This will enable you to read from USB drives, but you won’t be able to copy data to it.
2. Sorting Files:
Quite often you want the files to appear according to their names in explorer. In order to restore the ASCII file ordering, perform the following hack :
Go to ‘HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer’ and create a new DWORD value called as ‘NoStrCmpLogical’ and set its value to 1.
3. Speeding Up Menu loading time:
In order to make your menus load faster, perform the following tweak.
Go to ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Control Panel\Desktop‘ and right click ‘MenuShowDelay’ and click ‘Modify’. Change the string value to some nearby 100 value.
4. Reducing Folder Accessibility Time:
To speed up the access to any folder that is pinned to start menu, perform the following hack
Go to ‘HKCR\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers’ and right click ‘ContextMenuHandlers‘ and click ‘New|Key‘. Type ” (blank space and no quotation marks) and press Enter. Select any folder and right click on it to select ‘Pin to Start Menu’ while holding Shift key.
5. Multiple Logins in Messenger:
By default you are allowed only a single login at a time on Live Windows Messenger. You can override this by
Go to ‘HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsLive\Messenger’ and create a new DWORD value ‘Multiple Instances’ and its values as 1.

Make Free Phone Calls with Google Voice

Google Voice currently provides free PC-to-PC voice and video calling worldwide between users of the Google Voice and free outbound calls for users resident in the US. Incoming calls can be received on an optional Google Voice phone number in the US and on any additional phone numbers of the subscriber.

Other features available to users resident in the US include voicemail, call history, conference calling, call screening, call blocking, SMS text messaging, call forwarding (to your other phone numbers), and voicemail transcription via email or text message.

You don’t need to sign up for a phone number or a Gmail account to start using Google Voice to make free calls in the US from your PC. An optionalGoogle Voice phone number would allow anyone to call your home and/or mobile phones and your PC from their phone. Your PC needs to be turned on and you need to be signed into Gmail to receive calls on your PC.

The optional Gmail plug-in allows you to make and receive calls from your Gmailaccount (part of the Gmail Chat feature). It appears you can only make calls from your Google Voice account webpage (not receive calls) and manage the voicemail and alert messages. Messages and alerts can forward to any email address if desired.

Google Voice is not a substitute for a home or cell phone number and does not support 911 calls. I use it to integrate my cell phone and home phone calls without affecting either of those services.

Here's what I recommend:

1) Sign up for a Google Voice phone number in your area code while they are still available and free or you can use any area code and select an available number.

2) Sign up for a Google Voice account and configure settings, including your home and mobile numbers, and record your name, etc. You could start with the defaults and experiment.

3) Download and install the Google Talk browser plug-in for Gmail. It’s not obvious that this needs to be installed or where to find it but you can download it here:

You could start using Google Voice by opening a Google Voice accountwithout a Google Voice phone number. This would allow you to make free calls to any US number from your computer with speaker and microphone, or a headset. No one could call you from a phone though because you don't have a number. They can call you from their PC using their Google Voice account or the Google Talk browser plug-in if they have Gmail.

I recommend getting a Google Voice phone number while they are currently available for free. You can use a different area code if most of your calls are from that area code for your Callers to save on long-distance charges. You can browse for an available number by area code search for numbers that contain certain digits that you desire. My Google Voice number has the same last four digits as my cell phone number to make it easy to remember.

The first time I called my Google Voice number I was surprised and impressed when my cell phone, home phone, and PC started ringing. Email messages and transcribed emails keep me informed about all me calls and voicemail messages. I put my Google Voice number on my business cards and my email signature block to start porting callers to my new number. Google Voice should help me to not miss incoming calls, whether I’m at home, work, or away.
View an Explanatory video from Google on YouTube.

See the Google Voice article on Wikipedia for a summary of features.

Learn more and sign up at

From the Official Google Blog:
12/16/2011 01:57:00 PM

More free calls right from Gmail
Last year we introduced free domestic calling in Gmail within the U.S. and Canada, and we’re extending this free service for the whole year of 2012. We’re happy to help you keep in touch with those special people in your life, for free.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

How to detect that a keylogger is installed on a computer or not

anti keyloggersKey loggers are software that traces the key strokes on your computer. It is done in such a way that a person using the computer is unaware of the fact that a key logger is installed on a particular PC.

How does  keyloggers enters your computer ?

There are several ways in which a key logger can get into your computer either it is directly installed or it is indirectly transferred to your computer. Most of the time, this malicious file enters a computer when the user downloads an infected application like movies, music or other software applications.

So how to get rid of  keyloggers that is installed on a computer

1. Use updated antivirus and anti spyware
Some of the good anti viruses have capability to detect key loggers. So you should update your antiviruses regularly so that it gets updated for new keyloggers.
2. Use Anti keyloggers
There are anti keyloggers available that will make the task easy for you in finding a keyloggers. Use these softwares if you think there is a high possibility of keyloggers on a computer. The anti keyloggers that i will suggest you is Cyberhawk. Even  Kasperky does a good job in this area too. Also check More examples:
3. Search for keyloggers yourself
Keyloggers have the capability that they hide them self from the user but are active in the background. There are some shortcuts that are used to see them live on screen
For example : Ctrl + Alt + X or Ctrl + Alt + Wondows Key + X or desktopshark  etc.
4. Use special tools
Freeware on demand keylogger scanner.

Freeware antikeylogger that block hook based keyloggers as well as screen captures. For Windows XP.

PSMAntiKeyLogger is a real-time protecting software which protects you against Keyloggers. No scanning is needed.

I Hate Keyloggers
Freeware antikeylogger that block hook based keyloggers. For Windows 2000 and XP.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

See All Live Webcams with a Google Trick

Google Search for Webcams Here’s  a trick that will blow your mind. You can get access to all open public webcams through Google. There are many tricks by which one may get accessed to all the webcams running currently at a particular position and at particular time. However the Google Webcam trick seems to be one the easiest. Here are a simple few steps by which one may do the same.
Step 1: Log on
Step 2: Type ‘inurl:/view.shtml’ as a query
Step 3: You may also try using intitle:”Live View / – AXIS” | inurl:view/view.shtml^ as a query.
Step 4: This would redirect you to a page with the home pages of these urls.
Step 5: The above query reveals the IP network webcams that have been indexed by Google. You can easily get access and locate those unprotected IP network cameras used that are released or leaked to the public internet insecure cameras by using Google.

Web Cam Imgae
Web Cam Image from Google Search
The world today has millions and millions of webcams and still more are popping out each minute. It is true to be said as the big business for every business. Even ordinary home owners these days have switched to the application of webcams in their houses. So, if you are using a webcam, encrypt the signal and protect yourself.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

How to crack Windows XP password

          Are you one of those that changes log-in password several times in a single day, week or even month? and all the times you do these you end up loosing the password and you run into formatting the operating system always just because of a slight mistake……. well there should be worries what so ever, here is a solution to your problem.
          The only thing you need to get is an original windows XP cd from a local computer software dealer, after which you will follow these steps and get it done.
Step 1: In your PC’s setup option find advance settings, and go to boot option
Step 2: Set your PC first boot device to dvd/ cd drive
Step 3: Insert the windows Xp into the dvd/cd drive of your PC and re-boot
Step 4: At the first screen shot, press any key to boot from cd or dvd drive and wait till the next stop of setup
Step 5: In this option, press enter to set up windows XP now, accept the license agreement
Step 6: At these next option, you should see these C://windows xp bla bla bla, press R for repair and wait….
Step 7: Immediately setup reboots your PC to the next parts, press and hold shift + F10
Step 8: Then enter, Net User space new password twice, for example, administrator 753753 753 and then enter the message you get is password was successfully changed. then type exit and wait for the complete repairs installation.
that’s all you need to do.

Monday, 26 March 2012

How to conserve energy source when using a CRT monitor

      Since the existence of computer, the visual display has totally depend on CRT monitors been developed as technology improves everyday. From monochrome which is a four color display to a new development which IBM invented and called the Color Graphics Adapter and later to another development called Enhance  Graphics Adapter in the late 80′s. CRT which means Cathode Ray Tubes remained the standard for computer monitors through the 1990′s. CRT technology remained dominant in the PC monitor market into the new millennium partly because it was cheaper to produce and offered viewing angles.
         But even with the latest improvement on visual display, people still prefer the CRT monitors to the newly improved visual display known as the LCD Liquid Crystal Display because of it durability.
          Here is the magic tip you need to conserve the energy your CRT monitor consumes when starting up; Most CRT monitor cause a lot of interference when it’s starting up, thereby making it difficult for you use in an environment where electric current is seemingly low.
          This is the simply thing you need to do to stop the effect of this occurrence, note that solution is also applicable to TV set that is also a CRT design but if you are not a tech guy or not a smart person it is better you contact an expert to do this for you at a well considerable price……. just as simple as ABC.
         Unplug the Monitor from the source of power, and unscrew the locks, then look out for a tick-taped wire placed round the monitor tube and check to see where it is connected to the motherboard and remove the plug or clip used in connecting it to the board and carefully cover it that’s just what it takes you to be free from large energy waste which your CRT monitor or TV Set cause you each time it starts.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

How to maintain a stable wireles internet broadcast

           One of the means of sharing internet network is through wireless link also known as WLAN other means include WAN, LAN and so on. There are a lot of problems associated with wireless internet sharing, but not limited to is solutions. Many people believe that sharing internet through a wireless link is not an ideal way, Why only because of it’s intermittent fluctuation that occurs sometimes. This also happens when you use a wired connections too.
          The Only constant issue with wireless network is it instability in a far distance.. but here is the basic solution you need once for all to stop the instability, At first, what kind of wireless router are  you using? In the basic setup of all wireless router has an option where you can set the broadcast range of your internet network when you share it. it is usually read & checked by feet it can travel sometimes the way you set it the channel usually affect its broadcast if your broadcast level is so low broadcast level ranges between 1-11 on 2.4GHz
Things that affect your wireless network broadcast
Cordless phones, microwave oven and lots more operating at 2.4GHz frequency
Solution to problems associated with wireless broadcast
* To get an effective and clear signal broadcast, make sure you place your router at a very distinct distance from all other electronic gadget that broadcast at the same range to that which your router broadcast.
*Raise up the router as far as possible to increase the effective of the broadcast.
*Change the router to the center of the home or office you installed the router to get a broad & wide coverage at 360 degrees.
*Move the router away from any metal including metal shelving, filing cabinets and similar common objects.
*Try as much as possible to move away from your neighbor’s Wi-Fi router which, of course, you should also make sure you’re using a different channel from that of his.
That’s the best solution to getting a stable wi-fi internet broadcast anytime anyday.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

How to share files on your network

             The PC to PC sharing of files became necessary as demand on file sharing increases, this due to the usage of computer in our everyday lives, there are more ways to share your file across the network but with windows XP, its procedure are all the same way to share there files on LAN, WLAN e.t.c. here i will show you a step to step guide on how to share your files across a LAN network which in the WLAN method there is just a slight change
To begin sharing on windows XP you must first know the type of sharing that you are intending to use on your network, Of course there should be a master PC and slave, i used the word master  to represent the PC you are sharing from and the slave PC is the PC you are sharing for….
These are the major types of sharing
* Peer to peer
*Server to client
In a peer to peer sharing you just needed two PC to do this, materials needed to do a peer to peer sharing is a cross over networking cable and the two PC’s, how to know if a cable is a cross over cable ( Read articles on coding of networking cables) After you might have got that it takes to do your peer to peer sharing, then follow these procedures
*Boot up the two PC’s and Insert one end of the cable into the PC that contain more files, i mean the PC that you are sharing from the server or as used earlier master PC
*Go to the control panel of the PC you are sharing from(server) and select from the category list Network and internet connections, after Highlight the connection that you wish to share and right click to enable the sharing option
* But if you’re not sharing an internet connection, open your windows explorer or my computer to highlight the file, folder or the hardware you are sharing and right click to enable the sharing too
*Another means of sharing files or folder are also listed below
  1. You can also share files and folders by moving or copying them to the Shared Documents folder. In Windows, all files contained in the Shared Documents folder are automatically shared on the local network.
  2. The procedure and steps used for sharing files in Windows 2000 and earlier version of Windows can be accessed from the “File/Sharing” menu in Windows Explorer.

Friday, 23 March 2012

How to make and code a networking cable (CAT 5)

When we discuss about networking cable a lot of things comes across your mind because there are several types of networking cable,
We can but know the meaning and uses of a networking cable, well in a simple definition we can define a networking cables has a cable that is used to transmit a network from place to another, Networking cable can either be coaxial, cat 5 and it’s likes, but the networking cable am referring to here is a (CAT 5) Category 5 cable that is used in the office or home networking, either from PC to PC, Switch to PC, Modems to Switch, Modems to router, Modem to PC or Routers to PC.

There are Two category that you can use to make your network cable from a cat 5 Roll of cable. The ways is either making your cable to be a straight through cable or a cross over cable, Making a cable from any of  this different method depends on what you wish to use your cable to connect.

Requirements for making a networking cable
Here before you can make a cable you need to get the following
* Your Gripping tools
* Your roll of Cat 5 cable that you are cutting out of
* Your RJ 45 Clips
Now that you have all that it takes to make a networking cable, next is knowing the type of cable you want to make from that bunch roll of cable that you have.
Types, Definition and Uses of these cables
The major category of making your cable cannot be more or less than either making it to be , 1) A straight through cable or 2) A cross over cable.
At first, Lets start by defining what a Straight Through Cable is:  A straight through cable is a cable that is used to connect a network from a switch to PC or from modems to PC or Router, and also a cable that has its two ends equal i mean in coding.
A Cross Over cable : A cross over cable also has all the qualities that a straight through cable has but its more useful than that of a straight through because, It can be used to connect from PC to PC, and it can do all other things that the other can do easily without stress.
Color code arrangement of these cables
For a straight through cable which is ends are equal this is the arrangement
Color code arrangement for a straight through cable
White / OrangeWhite /Orange
White / GreenWhite / Green
White / BlueWhite / Blue
White / BrownWhite / Brown
An these kind of coding both ends are equal showing that it’s a straight through.
For a Cross Over Cable whose ends are not equal the arrangement are done thus:
Color code arrangement for a cross over cable
White / OrangeWhite / Green
White / GreenWhite / Orange
White / BlueWhite / Blue
White / BrownWhite / Brown
Procedures for arrangement
* Cut out your desired lenght of the cable you are intending to make
* Peel the cable
* Placing all these cable has to be done with proper care and firm handling, after you might have peel the cable, Cut the wooly part away to allow a free flow of arrangement
* Arrange the desired coding you wish to make, (either a straight through or a cross over).
* Trim all ends of the arranged cable
* Lastly, Carefully slot the firm held end of the cable arranged into the RJ 45 clip and grip together tightly using your gripping tool. And that’s all about making and coding of a cat 5 networking cable.

Make 2 Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World

Now you can Make 2 Free Calls Per Day Anywhere in The World. Yes you read it correct! 2 Free calls per day anywhere in the world. You can do this by using EvaPhone. EvaPhone provides Internet telephone calls for free. They let you make PC-to-phone free international calls. All you need is a computer to start making free VoIP calls using Internet to phone.

Free Call Worldwide

You Can Use these Free calls to call any number around the world but for just 1minute. Although Time duration is just 1 minute per call but I guess its good opportunity for people who want to call others by some international numbers and play a prank on their friends. Share your views about it. Also share about any pranks you plan to play with your friends using it.

Watch Live TV on Your PC For Free

Now you can watch free Tv on your pc by just using a VLC player. So lets keep it short, just follow the steps given below to watch free tv on pc.
Step 1 : First of all you need to have VLC player, if you don’t have vlc player kindly download it from here.  After Downloading the vlc player, install it.
Step 2 : Now open Vlc Player, and select streaming option from the media menu present in the menu bar.

Steaming in vlc player

Step 3 : Select network option and enter the url of the streaming channel. For example if you want to view Aaj Tak you need to add url rtsp:// in the url field and den select play option from the stream drop down menu.

play a channel

Step 4 : After you click play in the above step, the channel will start streaming and you can watch your favorite channels.

watch free tv on pc

Here is the List of many other channels which you can watch in the similar way :
Channel Name

Aaj Takrtsp://
CNBC Aawazrtsp://
CNBC TV 18rtsp://
Headlines Todayrtsp://
NDTV 24×7rtsp://
NDTV Profitrtsp://
Times Nowrtsp://
NK Newsrtsp://
RAJ Newsrtsp://
Studio Nrtsp://
Zee Tamilrtsp://
Zee Kannadrtsp://
Zee Banglartsp://
Music Boxrtsp://
Zoo Visionrtsp://
B4u Musicrtsp://
Clubbing Tvrtsp://
Bella Tvrtsp://
Fashion Tvrtsp://

Mp3 Search Engine

        Mp3 is the buzzword in the industry. This has become the de facto standard for the audio industry all over the world. There are a number of popular audio search engines available on the internet today. Our very own Google successfully performs the searching but has its limitation at certain aspects and forms.
Today we will be reviewing the The engine was started in the year 2000 and is mainly concerned with the searching of the MP3 files only. When you visit this site all the available songs are arranged in the alphabetical order and it can be useful sometimes when we search for a particular track. Another innovation that has been done on the homepage is the populating a list of top 50 most downloaded songs in the recent past. So if you are looking to download music for free then you must check this site out.

mp3 search engine

          The website has option for those who want to download free songs as well as for those who want to opt for paid download. I have searched for several local bands of US and India but the results were not so impressive.
          Once you have selected a certain track for purchase or download, there are a number of tabs that contain different information, offers and other stuffs that are related to the track. You have the power of social media interaction these days and you can easily share your track on a variety of platforms of social media. You can stream the audio track and can also add your comments and reviews in a special area that is dedicated for the comments. You might get the lyrics of the song also.
          Simply search for the songs using the search box or navigate according to the alphabetical listing. The site has a list of top 50 in US, World and Downloads. The website claims to have more than 1.5 million files in its index and there are a number of websites that will offer the free music throughout the world. Therefore you are advised to look for the free version of the track before going for the paid download.

7 Ways to Improve Your Blog Loading Speed

           Loading time of your website or blog is one of the important factors influencing search engine optimization, which when is too slow could take the reader away from your website and move onto the next, thus indirectly affecting your page ranking as well. Some of the factors affecting the loading speed are the presence of Java Scripts and the lack of use of web-optimized images.
fast speed

Follow the tips and tricks discussed here for improving the loading time of your web or blog.
1. Cache your pages:
Caching is one of the simple things, which you can do in ease, despite sounding technical it is very essential and crucial in enhancing the user experience. WordPress have a number of caching Plugins, which includes WP Super Cache and W3 total cache. W3 total cache has been most highly recommended for those using content delivery network (CDN) and CDN has an in-built option to activate automatically.
2. Compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript:
This is one of the best ways to reduce your blog loading speed and these are the culprits that make your blog load slowly and test your patience. Compression of Java Script and CSS has proved to reduce the loading time of your blog or website, and the best way to do this, if you are using Word Press is to use WP Minify plug-in.
3. Host your blog on a good and reliable webhost:
If you are thinking that you are wasting money on a good web-hosting domain then you are wrong. The use of cheaper hosting domains can cause frequent failures, which might be discouraging and reduce the performance of your blog causing you to lose regular visitors. Therefore, this is advisable, especially for a new blogger or a webmaster to go for some of the popular web hosting domains like Hostgator, especially if you are using WordPress.
 4. Optimize WordPress Images:
The time taken for a blog to load turns out to be longer than you would have thought of while using the image. However, many a times you will not feel like deserting some images that looks great on your blog or website. In such cases, it is best to optimize the images for your website and use some image editing tools or softwares like Adobe Photoshop to make the images much more web-friendly. If you are finding Photoshop a bit daunting, then there is automatic online image compression software called, which is worth a try.
5. Avoid too many plug-ins:
There is a number of plug-ins in WordPress which may be tempting for you to use them in your WordPress blog or website. However, this is always good to keep the use of WordPress plug-ins to the minimal amount, and by choosing plug-ins that will suit more than one of your needs than choosing separate plug-in for each of your requirement. The lesser the plug-ins the lesser the loading speed of your website or blog.
6. Optimize website database:
This is one of the difficult things that you will be doing for reducing the loading time of your website or blog. One of the best ways to do this is not manually, as you may land up frequently with the following error, “database connection error”, even if you are making the smallest of the mistake. So one of the best things to do is to use the Word Press plug-in WP-Optimize, which does the job automatically without any errors.
7. Use content delivery network (CDN):
This helps to enhance the blog load time that this stores all the static pages onto their servers, and when any visitor comes to visit your website the blog content is served from the server of CDN. This also decreases the bandwidth usage of your current host, and Max CDN has been recommended to be the most affordable until to date.

7 ways to increase Torrent Speed

           The use of Bit Torrent is an efficient way to transfer files of just about any size quickly and efficiently. How this works is by breaking the huge files into smaller pieces and is from one or many of the different sources. This is one of the best ways to transfer bulky files quickly even when you are using a low bandwidth connection. There are many more things that you can do with Bit Torrent, but here we are going to discuss how to make this work much faster.

increase torrent speed

Here are some essential tips for the same,
  1. Start with your ISP:
All ISP has a preset maximum upload and download speed, and you cannot make your torrent work beyond this speed. All you can do is to use the best use of this upload and download speed even when the signal is weak. You can check the maximum speed that you can achieve by conducting a broadband speed test and compare with the DSLReports that comes with your uTorrent.
  1. Opt-In for healthy seeds and peers:
A peer is any computer participating           in downloading and uploading of torrent files along with that of yours. A seeder is one who has a complete copy of the file that is being shared across a torrent network. A leecher is the person who has joined the network recently and do not have most of the file that you or the peer has. This leecher becomes the seeder when they download the entire file and is able to share it across the network.  For getting high torrent speed, you need to increase the number of seeders to increase the chance of healthier and reception of higher speeds.
  1. Get through the firewall:
Many times, you will find the administrator or the firewall in your web browser is set to block and receive torrent files. The first thing that you need to do is to get appropriate permissions for downloading torrent files, and add this to your firewall, which will enhance the speed at which you can download torrent files. If the internet is through a router, then you have to set the torrent file to cross the barrier of the security of the router also.
  1. Go to a different port:
The default port for BitTorrent protocol is always between the numbers 6881-6999. This is because BitTorrent sharing will involve high bandwidth usage. However, this is possible that you can configure a different port for your torrent client and this has been best advised to set this number to somewhere around 10000.
  1. Limit your upload rate:
A peer to peer network is sharing alike on the same or similar platform and therefore you should be able to set your client’s upload speed rate to a maximum amount, which will usually be about 80 percent of your maximum upload speed that is being offered by your ISP. Keep this speed, as high as possible, but you have to play your cards well as the upload speed affects your download speed as well.
  1. Use your common sense:
If you understand the concept of how Bit Torrent works, then your common sense will automatically tell you that this is possible to view the individual files being downloaded and disable the ones that you are not in need off, which will  help you to speed up the process of downloading the files using Bit Torrent.
  1. Bandwidth and connections:
This is possible to set the maximum number of connections, maximum number of peers connected per torrent and number of slots per torrent so that you can decide on which numbers gives the maximum efficiency from your Bit Torrent files.
Now is that you have some tips on how to increase the speed of downloading while using Bit Torrent, why not try these tips out next time! Comments are appreciated!!

How To Convert Your Firefox Web Browser into a Keylogger

         Today, I am going to tell you how to convert your Mozilla Firefox  into an undetectable keylogger. This keylogger will be used to store all the usernames and passwords that will be entered by the user.

convert firefox into a keylogger

          The keylogger will work on the basis of a script that disables the Firefox browser to ask the user to save his password whenever he logins to a website. Thereby, allowing the Firefox to store his username and password combination automatically without prompting the user. Just follow these steps to convert your firefox into a keylogger :

1. First and foremost, download the script from here.
2. If you are a Windows user, then navigate to C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/Components
and if you are using MAC, then navigate to Applications -> Right Click Firefox -> Show Package Contents -> Contents/MacOS/Components
3. In the downloaded rar file, you will find a script named as nsLoginManagerPrompter.js, simply extract and then copy and paste the file in the folder that is applicable to you.
4. Your Firefox keylogger is now ready and whenever anyone enters his username and password on any site, his details would be saved automatically which can be easily retrieved using Fire Password viewer.

10 Great NotePad Tricks To Scare Your Friends

Most of you must be aware about a tool called notepad. It is a simple text based editor. But today I am going to discuss some cool tricks which you can perform on your computer using notepad. You can also use these tricks to scare your friends.
notepad tricks

Cycle a message in your friend’s computer.
Type :
@ECHO off
msg * Hi
msg * Are you having fun?
msg * I am!
msg * Lets have fun together!
msg * Because you have been o-w-n-e-d
Save it as pc.bat and send it to your friends.
Make Keyboard Keys Type Continuously:
Type :
MsgBox “stop me..! if you can”
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{bs}”
Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends.
Convey your friend a message and shut down his/ her computer.
Type :
@echo off
msg * I don’t like you
shutdown -c “Hahahah You are Doomed” -s
Save it as pc.bat and send it to your friends.
Toggle your friend’s Caps Lock button simultaneously
Type :
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends.
Frustrate your friend by making their keyboard hit Enter simultaneously whenever they press a key :
Type :
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “~(enter)”
Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends.
Hack your friend’s keyboard and make him type “You are a fool” simultaneously:
Type :
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “You are a fool.”
Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends.
Open Notepad, slowly type anythingand freak your friends out:
Type :
WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WshShell.Run “notepad”
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate “Notepad”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “Hel”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “lo “
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “, ho”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “w a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “re “
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “you”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “? “
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “I a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “m g”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ood”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ” th”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ank”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “s! “
Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends.
Frustrate your friend by making their keyboard hit Backspace simultaneously whenever they press a key :
Type :
MsgBox “Let’s rock and roll”
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{bs}”
Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends.
Open Notepad continuously in your friend’s computer:
Type :
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top
Save it as pc.bat and send it.
Continuously pop out your friend’s CD or DVD Drive.
Type :
Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7″)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Save it as pc.vbs and send it to your friends.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

How to browse the web faster with the best browser and shortcut

Out all web browser found or made, there are various situation with all of them, most not some has a bug and different problems, but as a advance and wise web surfer it is better to move to advancement by upgrading to the fastest web browser that meet all requirements of the web.

The good news is that it is that it has a lite file, easy to install, user friendly and lots more Guess what the browser am talking about is the Google Chrome…….Have been using different web browser and have been having different challenges with them all, but since i found Google chrome, i have never regret having and choosing it.
Here i ‘ll show you some useful shortcut to save your time while browsing… It took me so much time to see the true power of chrome but as it is to my knowledge, i think its still the best browser, below are the shortcut and there uses which will make you browse easily and faster on chrome…
Chrome Shortcuts
Well out many Google chrome shortcuts this is just some to mention a few for quick references

Opens a new windowCtrl + N
Opens a new windows in incognito modeCtrl + Shift + N
Opens link in a new tabCtrl +
Clicks on link Open link in new windowShift +
Clicks on link Close current windowAlt + F4
Opens a new tabCtrl + T
Re-opens the last tab you’ve closed1Ctrl + Shift + T
Switches to the tab at the specified positionCtrl + 1
Switches to the last tabCtrl + 8
Switches to the next tabCtrl + 9
Switches to the previous tab Ctrl + Tab Ctrl + PageDown
Goes to the previous page in your browsing history
Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PageUp
  Alt + Left Arrow Alt + Right Arrow
  Closes current tab or pop-upCtrl + W 
Opens your homepage Ctrl + F4 

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Top 6 ways to stay secure online

There are lots of things all about online safety, the major question is what will make you vulnerable, or less secure online, these are few Top 5 tips you need to stay online…. By simply taken these simple steps you will be highly secured from any form of vulnerability
* One of these 5 steps is Installing a good firewall program such as ZoneAlarm, Comodo Internet security, Avast internet security and so on , this will prevent any programs to access the internet without your permission and also will block intruders from accessing your PC
* Second thing that you need to take into consideration is the Check for Viruses on your PC, While checking for viruses on your PC regularly reduces your risk of getting vulnerable or attacked by virus that may destroy your important files and data of any magnitude.

* Another thing is that of Removing Spyware, this can also make you completely be free from online tracking from any body at time.
* More so you need to Update your windows regularly, to completely fix security issues on Windows Internet Explorer and other Microsoft software such Microsoft office, Enterprise and so on. this step only prompt you to restart your system time after time and sometimes Installed the updates when you are shutting down your PC.
* Browsing more safely also is another major criteria to look into Using of unrecognized browser can expose you to different attack day in day out, but using of some of the best browser such as Google chrome browsers one most fastest browser ever, Microsoft windows internet Explorer 8 and above, Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or 5.0 and above, Opera 10.0, Flock Browser, Safari to mention but a few out of many browser out there will definitely reduce your risk in loosing your useful and confidential files and data to Intruders or Hackers…
* The last of all the five top steps is all about your individual decision, for example giving your password to careless people to use, or browsing with confidential data’s on a PC that doesn’t belong to you, thereby duplicating your login password or otherwise leaving a trace of all you do on the fellows PC.
Above all “Be Careful who you give your vital information to and follow all other steps to stay completely online at any time.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

How to lock your PC’s USB port

             Day in day out, technology increases and are daily improving as we grow,Through this we are able to transfer large files not even bit by bit but at once and an unimaginable speed, and by so doing little carelessness can allow crash our PC’s, but the question is and remains can our PC be more secure, Yes is the answer if you know your way around it, and by following all tips am going to give you, even a novice can be fully assured of it’s PC securities through usb.
             One of these numerous ways includes locking the usb from setup or otherwise know as bios settings, another way is Installing a third party program which i may tell you later, but first lets go through the process of doing these through bios setup. At first you would ask yourself HOW or the other way round CAN THIS REALLY BE DONE THROUGH ORDINARY SYSTEM SETUP? All of the question i guess will be answered as i put you through the process of doing it, I mean locking your USB port from unauthorized use.
Nothing but concentration is needed more in this guide
Locking your USB from Bios setup is the same thing saying disabling it temporarily or permanently this depend on you as the individual who wants this.
Are you afraid of leaving your system or PC’s to another person to use just because of inserting a USB stick or pen drive into your system or PC’s? Well i tell you there is no need for panic, just follow these step and you are good to go. Find your way into your PC Bios setup then, start following these steps
Step No 1
After you might have entered into the bios configuration of your PC, Go to either general or advance setup
Step No 2
Look out for USB legacy, You will definitely found enabled
Step No 3
Hit the right key for changing parameters on your keyboard and all you need to do next is to disable it and that’s all, simplest way out of panicking.
Note this step can be taking by any one who does not like anyone just inserting any USB drive into his / her PC at their absence.
Another way of doing this is by Installing a third party program such as find out the one that suite you best on this, And don’t expect me to mention any name because i am not advertising here, all am doing is giving your PC guides to life, Some of these program that you download from the internet are full of Malware and some with terrible virus that can crash your system . My Advice to you is that you should instal a powerful internet security before proceeding to download any file from the internet.

Monday, 19 March 2012

How to install windows Xp on a PC that do not have a DVD/CD drive

Its quite funny that there some useful things in the past that has been neglected and are evergreen if added to your knowledge of doing things. This post is an Update to a previous one,  Well there is much to learn, because as long as you live you will continue to learn, simple as the saying No Knowledge is wasted.
Image Credit

Here am going to show a Old but simple and straight forward way of installing windows on a PC that do not have a Cd or Dvd drive with a useful but neglected system that has grown so old…. This method is called System Preparation Tools (SYSPREP) Microsoft windows, now lets take a look at how, what are the do’s and dont’s of making this happen, tutorial based on a Windows XP SP2……..
System preparation tools (sysprep) prepares a computer’s hard disk for delivery to the end User, Additional options are available from the command line. sysprep is an easy to use, interesting, interactive and a very advanced way for installing windows on a hard drive using another PC entirely.
To get sysprep done and working successfully on the end user’s PC the following are and must be taking into consideration.
* There must not be any form of power Outage during Installation:
This first precaution sounds very familiar to many, but better still you still need to know the reason why it is important to have a strong power backup while going through this process,
1) To Avoid error of starting all over again
2) To make your installation solid
* There must be provision of the End user’s PC driver: If you are really ready to do this installation, then you must keep in mind that all your installation are based on the device driver of the end user’s PC so as to make your installation error free.
* There must be full concentration while making the Answer file: Making the answer file though simple to do but i can tell you that a slight mistake can lead to crashing the end user’s pc, or otherwise not make it work as it should, so your full concentration is required to  make a successful answer file.
After these few things has been put into consideration, then you need to get the following to begin your installation NOTE: this is an advance way of setting up your PC through sysprep, any mistake done should be corrected by starting all over again, this a warning Start at your own Risk.
1) Sysprep Folder: This can be found in your Windows Xp Installation CD, all you need to do is to Insert it into the cd drive of the PC you wish to use in preparing sysprep on the end users PC
- Browse or Explore the CD, Open Support, then open Tools
- Select and copy Deploy,extract into a new folder you create on the desktop area or else where.
- Close all open folder and Eject the CD
2) Sysprep Driver Scanner (spdrvscn): This  is a stand alone application designed to search for drivers automatically as you directed it into the directory,
- Download it Here
- Copy into your Sysprep folder.
3) Device Driver of the targeted PC End User’s): These are the hardware drivers of the end users PC you are about to prepare, these includes the video, audio, lan, network, modem and mass storage drivers
- Download them all
- Extract into a new folder renamed to drivers, and making each drivers folder a sub-folder in the drivers folder.
After all this has been done, attach a pen drive big enough and copy both the sysprep and drivers folder form the preparatory PC and after this shutdown the PC and change the hard drive applicable most to IDE hard disk, then all that is left is to do is begin the installation.
1) All the installation needs to begin is starting to install the preparatory PC having put the target PC’s hard disk inside, begin
windows xp installation : make sure you install the operating system properly because these is going to affect the sysprep setup, proper installation of windows is highly important.
secondly, another aspect and procedures that can make you repeating the same process for long is not doing the next thing most important thing, which installation of an Antivirus software which may make you lose some of the windows file, Please Note that the first thing you must install after a windows installation is an antivirus software this is important.
After your windows installation is complete and the antivirus software has been installed then you are set to begin the set up.
- Show the icon my computer on the desktop
- Right click the computer icon,
- Go to properties
- Open Hardware then device manager
- Look for computer and from the drop down menu,
- Right click and select update driver, and from hardware update wizard, select the third option, no not this time
- Click next, then select the second option (Instal from a list or specific location)
- Then pick the second option, dont search i will chose the  driver to install
- Click next and select Advance Configuration and power interface(ACPI) PC.
Complete the update wizard and close, do not restart the PC if prompted.
Next is copying back the sysprep and the driver folder into the hard drive that windows was installed.
2) This is an area where much concentration is needed, because any mistake done here, will give you a bad end result at the end, so be careful,
After you have done these previous step well,
- Open the sysprep folder
- Start making the answer file by opening setupmgr.exe
- Follow the setup carefully, first is Select Create a new answer file then click next
- Choose sysprep install then next
- Choose the operating system you are installing
- Customize the software by adding your name and organization then next
- Choose the best display settings, 640 X 480 will be best to pick click next
- Select your Time zone then click next
- Insert the windows product key into the space provided then click next
- Select automatically generate computer name or insert the name you wish to give your targeted PC then click next
- Create an administrator password then next
- This is the network component, choose typical then click next
- Enter your Domain name if you have a domain that you wish to add but if not choose Workgroup then next
- Under the telephony area is where you select your country/ region, city or area code, then the outside access no., then below that choose tone for the last option there, then click next, next, next, next and finish then cancel
The answer file windows has to use to start installation as just been created, Open the Sysprep folder and you will see it, under the first batch of answer named Oem whatever type these
just in line with the way the first batch answers as been created and arranged.
then take this,a little secret shortcut as i used to do it.
Under the last answer, enter this [SysprepMassStorage]  just as it was arranged. then make an attempt to close then make sure you save before you close the file.
3) After successfully created an answer file, open the the drive C: contain windows, and do the following
- From the drivers folder, open and check that all drivers are intact
- Close the driver folder, open sysprep folder
- Run spdrvsn.exe pointing the wizard to c:\drivers not c:\sysprep\drivers
- Click scan and scan for drivers
- After that click Add, and type c:\windows\inf
- Click save and done
Then click Run and type cmd to open the command prompt
from the command prompt what you should see is
C:\Document and settings\PC name> so type cd \sysprep then hit enter
After then you should see C:\Sysprep> here type ‘sysprep    -bmsd’ this feature builds the mass storage for your targeted PC.
After  you have hit enter key, sysprep starts preparing the mass storage drivers support do not close the prompt until it is done then type Exit to close the command prompt window.
After these has been done, check your answer file again you will notice that a lot of things has been added, close without editing anything there,
And open A folder named ($oem$) Create a new text document, rename to cmdlines.txt and then enter then open to type the lines
“C:\Sysprep\Sysprep       – Clean”
then save from the file up and close.
4) The last but not the least amongs all, is to start the sysprep for real, before you begin the process which is going to last about 30 to 40minute its is recommended that you install any other thing you wish to install and do not restart your PC
- From your Sysprep folder look for the sysprep.exe setup and
- Run the sysprep.exe setup
- Choosing from the following options,
Mini setup
Finally before you use the last click Note that anything cannot be added after you click the reseal botton. then when sysprep is completely done and shut down
- Do not reboot the PC
- Remove the hard drive form it and slut into the targeted PC
- Power on the PC And wait for sysprep to initialize all commands including device drivers. thats all about sysprep….

Sunday, 18 March 2012

How to Moniter Your Entire Network

Are you stuck in the worries of how? To monitor your network and rationalise errors or Even trying to keep your track of how your network has grown? Well at the end of the this write up you will find answers to your question….. Now lets take a good look at the things have got for you…
There are several ways to monitor a network, and with these multiple ways some still encounters error, what you needed to monitor your network depends on how extensive your network is, contact an advance network manager for more info.
What is meant by the word Network Monitoring?
This am sure is going to come across your mind when you see probably see this article How to monitor your entire network. Well the meaning to this is not far fetched, we can easily say monitoring a network means taking care of a network by monitoring just as it sounds, watching out can also be used in place of monitoring. But in a more technical terms network monitoring is ensures, that all servers are properly functioning, that data can be sent in and out from each server, and that each function or functions sharing the server responds as required. With an advanced network monitoring service you can even remotely monitor your network.
What do a Network Monitoring  Monitors?
DNS / Domain Controllers
These are servers that is configured to translate to website’s name example is, into internet protocol (IP) addresses E.g. that computers understand. If your DNS servers are not working properly, this will intensely make end-users not being able to find your site and therefore will get an error. Usually only an external or remote monitoring service will detect such a problem because it’s an internal error.
FTP servers
File Transfer servers: These are usually servers that is used to exchange file within and outside the network, so if your server contains FTP service a monitoring service can ensure that is up and running.
POP3 and SMTP servers
These are servers used for exchanging emails incoming and outgoing. If you are using email on your network, there are lots of probability that you are using an SMTP and POP3. If your SMTP server is down, everyone who sends you email will receive an error, and the error will be stating that your mail server is down and cannot accept incoming email. And more so If your POP3 server is down, you will not be able to retrieve email from your mailbox. Even with that, only external monitoring will prevent such a problem.
Many home and office businesses uses firewalls to protect their internal network from un-authorized jamming, such as a spyware, malwares and viruses sent to the network by competitors. Furthermore, a firewall is your first level defense in a strong and advance networks. If your firewall goes down, your whole network may actually become inaccessible from outside. In other words, firewall goes down and you host your own website and mail servers, all those will become inaccessible to the outside world. Once again, remote network monitoring is required to detect that a problem exists and quickly get it repaired.
Therefore note that If you own the servers, or are remotely hosted on dedicated servers, you must likely need to monitor everything.  If your site is hosted on shared servers, you might need fewer functions monitored.

Friday, 16 March 2012

How to open a Microsoft word 2007(docx) file in an earlier version of Msword

Are you worried opening a document with docx extension?
At times when you work on microsoft word 2007, and save using the direct save mode Ctrl + S, you find it difficult to open in another PC probably installed with an earlier version of microsoft word. well never panic, its just a matter of understanding that you needed to do this.
Microsoft word 2007 as been formatted to open document processed through it as .docx extensions due to compatibility problems, which can easily be fixed by a simple installation of a plugin application from Microsoft Cooperation.
Microsoft introduced a brand new set of file formats: .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx, all found incompatible with previous Microsoft Office versions. but in a nut shell i will show you a simple tool that you need to do the trick.
This tool is an offline plugin that is found on Microsoft page, the name of the plugin is Microsoft Office Compatibility pack for Word, Excel and power point 2007 file formats, all other things that follows is just to download and install this plugin, Restart your PC then all is set for you to go. to download this plugin on this page click Here
Always restart your PC any time you install a new programme, TIP It apply’s the proper settings for your PC and saves it from crashing unexpectedly
Good luck
Hope this article was good?
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