Monday, 19 December 2011

3 Software to Relax and Relieve Work Stress and Eye Strain on Computer

I know many of you work for many hours in front of the computer. Many of you must have realized the adverse effect of sitting for a very long time in front of the computer. Some of these effects are pain in neck due to prolong staring at the screen, pain in your hands and fingers due to typing or moving of mouse, pain in the back due to sitting in the chair for long time, and many more. These all comes under repetitive stress injury (RSI).

       I found many software like WorkRave, Big Stress Reminder, Eyes Relax which prompts you move your body muscles in order to decrease the effect of RSI, thus reducing the stress and pain.

What does this WorkRave do?

It doesn’t do much on its own, but it tells you to take mini breaks. Not only that, it also tells you to do some exercise within that break time to ease out your pain related to your work.


Is WorkRave helpful?

From my point all the exercises that are provided by WorkRave are very efficient in removing the work related stress and problems related to computer professionals and daily users.

To release stress and pain related to your neck:


To release stress and pain related to your hands:


To release stress and pain related to your eyes:


To release stress and pain related to your shoulders:


Download WorkRave

Big Stretch Reminder

Like Workrave, Big Stretch Reminder also prompts you to leave your computer to take a break. Unlike WorkRave, Big Stretch Reminder doesn’t tell you to do exercises, but it tells you to take a coffee break or to do other stuff which you want to do. Big Stretch Reminder software is all about you leaving your system to take a break, whether it be a coffee break, or having a nice long talk with your friends and family. It just reduces the long term effect of RSI.

big stretch reminder

Download Big Stretch reminder

 Eyes Relax

Another good software is Eyes Relax which prompts you to take a break while working on your system. It’s somewhat like WorkRave in its aspects, but all the exercise that it tells you to perform are related with eyes as the name suggests. During the break time you are prompted to do exercises for your eyes, look away or look at distant objects either in your work area or outside, take a stroll outside your work area. Another new feature that is been added to Eyes Relax is the  “Parent mode” which can be used to protect the eyes of your children.
eyes relax

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